Shiawase Japanese Restaurant


Stunning Sushi Restaurant with Pecky Sinker Cypress

When Mr. George contacted us about obtaining a slab of our Pecky Sinker Cypress for his restaurant, we weren’t quite sure how he was going to use it or what the finished product would look like.

So needless to say, when he sent us pictures of the completed interior we were blown away!

The restaurant is absolutely stunning, and the Pecky Cypress sushi bar adds to its unique character.

We’re proud to be able to provide restaurant owners like Mr. George with beautiful Pecky Sinker Cypress that helps them to create one-of-a-kind dining atmospheres.

If you’re in the Chicago area, make sure to stop by Mr. George’s Shiawase Japanese Restaurant. If the food tastes as good as the interior looks, it’s sure to be delicious!

For ordering and pricing information, visit our Ordering & Contact Info page.

Thank You!

We truly appreciate our friends and customers, and as always we invite you to let us know how we can help.

Thank you for stopping by and we hope to hear from you again soon!

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